Solve the initial value problems using Modified Euler's Method.


Euler's Method Algorithm (Ordinary Differential Equation):

Euler's Method is a straightforward numerical technique used to approximate solutions to ordinary differential equations (ODEs). It is particularly useful when an analytical solution is difficult or impossible to obtain. The method is based on the idea of using tangent line approximations to advance the solution step-by-step.

Solve the initial value problems using Modified Euler's Method.

Steps of Euler's Method:

1. Start

2. Define function f(x,y)

3. Read values of initial condition(x0 and y0), number of steps (n) and calculation point(xn)

 4. Calculate step size (h) = (xn - x0)/b

5. Set i=0

6. Loop


yn = y0 + h *  f(x0 + i*h, y0)


y0 = yn


i = i + 1


   While i < n

7. Display yn as result

8. Stop


Euler's Method C Program for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations

Implementation of Euler's method for solving ordinary differential equation using C programming language.

Output of this is program is solution for dy/dx = x + y with initial condition y = 1 for x = 0 i.e. y(0) = 1 and we are trying to evaluate this differential equation at y = 1. ( Here y = 1 i.e. y(1) = ? is our calculation point)


C Program for Euler's Method





#define f(x,y) x+y


int main()


 float x0, y0, xn, h, yn, slope;

 int i, n;


 printf("Enter Initial Condition\n");

 printf("x0 = ");

 scanf("%f", &x0);

 printf("y0 = ");

 scanf("%f", &y0);

 printf("Enter calculation point xn = ");

 scanf("%f", &xn);

 printf("Enter number of steps: ");

 scanf("%d", &n);


 /* Calculating step size (h) */

 h = (xn-x0)/n;


 /* Euler's Method */



 for(i=0; i < n; i++)


  slope = f(x0, y0);

  yn = y0 + h * slope;


  y0 = yn;

  x0 = x0+h;



 /* Displaying result */

 printf("\nValue of y at x = %0.2f is %0.3f",xn, yn);



 return 0;



Euler's Method C Program Output

Enter Initial Condition

x0 = 0

y0 = 1

Enter calculation point xn = 1

Enter number of steps: 10


x0      y0      slope   yn


0.0000  1.0000  1.0000  1.1000

0.1000  1.1000  1.2000  1.2200

0.2000  1.2200  1.4200  1.3620

0.3000  1.3620  1.6620  1.5282

0.4000  1.5282  1.9282  1.7210

0.5000  1.7210  2.2210  1.9431

0.6000  1.9431  2.5431  2.1974

0.7000  2.1974  2.8974  2.4872

0.8000  2.4872  3.2872  2.8159

0.9000  2.8159  3.7159  3.1875


Value of y at x = 1.00 is 3.187

Regression Method Algorithm Using Least Square Method

Solve the initial value problems using Modified Euler's Method.

Integratea function using numerically using trapezoidal Method.

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