we all know number very well these are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and so on but when it comes to classification of number then we all get confused among the types of Number and their classification. In this post we try to explain the number system in a very simple and easy way.
Number System Video Link !
Real numbers:
- The Combination of rational and irrational numbers are called
real numbers.
Number System Video Link !
numbers: - Those Numbers which can be written in the form of P/q is called rational numbers.
where p,q are integers and q is not equal to zero.
Irrational numbers: - Those Numbers which cannot be written in the form of p/q is called irrational numbers.
Fractions:-The fraction is
consisting of two parts one is Numerator and another is denominator.
Eg: 3/7,5/9,7/10…………….etc
3,5,7 are numerators and 7,9,10 are denominators.
Natural Numbers:- Those numbers which are used in counting is called Natural numbers.
Whole Numbers:- When zero is includec with the natural number then the set formed is called whole numbers.
Integers:- An integer
is a whole number that can be positive, negative and zero.
Zero is neither positive and nor Negative Number.
Positive integers:- 1,2,3,4,5,6…….
Negative integers:- -1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,…………
numbers:- Numbers which are divisible by 2 is called even
Eg- 2,4,6,8,10……………………….etc
Odd numbers:- Numbers Which are not divisible by 2 is called odd numbers.
numbers : Numbers which have exactly two factors is called prime
Important points
1) 2 is the only even prime number.
2) Prime number greter than 3 can be written in the form 6k+1
and 6k-1.
3) Their is total 25 prime numbers between 1 to 100.
4) all natural, whole and integers are real numbers.
5) All integers are rational numbers.
6) There are infinite rational number between two rational numbers.
7) There are infinite irrational numbers between two irrational numbers.
numbers:-Numbers which are having more than two factors are called
Composite Numbers.
Eg:- 4,6,8,10,12,14,.............
Question1. How you prove that 1 is odd number?
Question2. How you prove that 0 is even number?
Question3. Prime numbers between 60 and 80?
Website Link:-
DDT video link:-
BHC Video Link:-
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Hope you like this post and if you have any question regarding the njmber and theirs classification then just leave a comment we will try to reply you soon.
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